Saturday, July 27, 2024
 July 16, 2023

Woman killed by lawnmower after sleeping in grass

In a horrifying turn of events, a homeless woman's life was abruptly ended when she was struck by a lawnmower while sleeping in a public park in Modesto, California.

The woman, known as Christine Chavez, was living without a home and had chosen the park as her place of rest, ABC10 reported.. The unfortunate incident took place in broad daylight on a Saturday when a worker from Grover Landscape Services was performing routine grass cutting in the park.

A vigil was held to commemorate Christine's life, attended by her family and friends who were grappling with the shock and sorrow of her sudden demise. Her father, Cristobal Chavez, was overwhelmed with grief over the loss of his beloved daughter.

A Father's Grief and a Community's Shock

Christine's father, Cristobal Chavez, shared his feelings:

"I lost my daughter and I feel a lot of pain about that."

Dez Martinez, the CEO and founder of We are not Invisible, a local advocacy group, was among the attendees at the vigil. She voiced her disbelief and shock at the tragic circumstances of Christine's death.

Martinez highlighted the tragic irony of the situation, noting that the park, generally considered a safe place for homeless individuals to rest during the day, had become the scene of such a devastating incident.

Recounting the Unfortunate Event

Sharon Bear, a spokesperson for the Modesto Police Department, provided an account of the incident. She confirmed that the tragedy occurred while a Grover Landscape Services employee was mowing the grass using a riding John Deere tractor equipped with a pull-behind mower.

The worker discovered Christine's body in an area he had previously mowed and promptly alerted the authorities. The police arrived at the scene and launched an investigation into the incident.

Grover Landscape Services Inc. issued a public statement regarding the accident. The company expressed its profound sadness over the incident and extended its condolences to Christine's friends and family. It also pledged full cooperation with law enforcement officials in their investigation.

Grover Landscape Services Inc. Responds to the Tragedy

The company stated:

"At approximately noon on July 8, 2023, a Grover landscaping crew member, operating a tractor and pull-behind mower, was performing weed abatement and fire prevention services for our customer E. & J. Gallo Winery. In a dry, overgrown area, our operator discovered the body of a woman impacted by the pull-behind mower, at which time he contacted the Modesto Police Department. Grover is cooperating with law enforcement officials in their investigation. Out of respect for the on-going investigation, we cannot speculate as to the cause of or circumstances surrounding her death."

The company also mentioned that it was providing counseling services to the operator involved in the accident.

A Father's Plea for Justice

Christine's father expressed his dissatisfaction with the handling of his daughter's death. He claimed that not all of her remains were collected from the scene, and he demanded justice for his daughter.

The police have completed their investigation into the incident and have concluded that it was an accident. No charges have been filed at this time.

Beard Brook Park, where the incident occurred, was formerly city property but was transferred to new owner E. & J. Gallo Winery on the day of the incident. City officials have stated that they are cooperating with the investigation.

What it means

  • Christine Chavez, a homeless woman, was fatally injured by a lawnmower while she was sleeping in a public park in Modesto, California.
  • The incident occurred around noon on a Saturday when an employee of Grover Landscape Services was mowing the grass.
  • Christine's family and friends held a vigil to remember her life and mourn her untimely death.
  • The Modesto Police Department has completed its investigation into the incident and concluded that it was an accident. No charges have been filed at this time.
  • Grover Landscape Services Inc., the company involved in the incident, expressed its deep sadness over the incident and extended its sympathies to Christine's friends and family.

Please share this article on Twitter and Facebook to raise awareness about the safety of homeless people in public spaces.


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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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