U.S. Crime Alerts is the premier source for crime news, analysis, and commentary on the Internet.
Every page on our website is painstakingly researched, reviewed, and edited by an international team of researchers, and finally reviewed and published by our U.S. crime-expert editors.
The website includes three basic sections:
1. Crime News. Every day, we publish a newsletter with the most breaking criminal stories so you know exactly what's happening around the country and, sometimes, the world.
2. True-Crime Stories. Our researchers also publish content and analysis about famous true-crime stories so you can research each story to learn how to know the red flags to watch out for in your own life.
3. Crime Analysis. We exist primarily to help inform and support people in the United States so they know exactly how crime works, how to respond, and how it can be prevented in the first place.
Our primary goal is to help maximize safety through information and education. Nothing will stop us from achieving that goal.
US Crime Alerts is a project of the American Digest Media company. The company was founded and entirely funded by Shaun Connell. We have no other outside funding. We are entirely independent.