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 August 10, 2023

Video emerges of deadly FBI raid

An FBI raid in Provo, Utah turned tragic when a 74-year-old man, Craig Robertson, suspected of making death threats against President Biden and other Democrats, was fatally shot.

The video that recently made the rounds paints a chilling scene. In it, the final moments leading up to a tragic FBI operation in Utah's Provo area can be seen. The individual at the center of this controversy was Craig Robertson, a 74-year-old who had a penchant for woodworking.

His significant threat? A worrisome post on his Facebook account where he implied plans to assassinate President Biden, just a few days ahead of the President's visit to Utah.

The gravity of his intentions became even clearer when the FBI confirmed through federal court documents that Robertson wasn't just making empty threats - he actually had the sniper equipment he'd alluded to in his posts.

Fox News reported details that revealed that the situation became dire when FBI agents attempted to serve warrants at Robertson's residence. According to this source, during the standoff that ensued, Robertson was armed and the confrontation ended with agents firing shots, leading to his death at approximately 6:14 a.m.

Recurring threats and the man behind the screen

Court documents made it clear: this wasn't the first time Robertson's name came up in such a context. As early as March, he had been reported to the FBI for threatening Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

The interesting part? While his past criminal record might appear negligible at first glance, his digital footprint told a different story. Online, Robertson wasn't shy about his intentions to harm high-profile Democrats. Even figures like Attorney General Merrick Garland and members of the FBI were not spared from his threats.

Jon Michael Ossola, one of Robertson's neighbors, provided a firsthand account of the raid. He described an intense standoff, with Robertson firmly resisting law enforcement's efforts. But, Travis Clark, a close acquaintance of the elderly man, shared a different perspective. They were taken aback by the online threats and insisted that the Robertson they knew offline was a completely different person. They stressed that, in reality, Robertson would have been physically incapable of executing such threats.

The whole incident has left a mark on the community. The aftermath, characterized by shock and a heavy atmosphere, continues to resonate, while authorities persist in their quest to uncover all the layers of this case.

A closer look at the allegations

Additional footage of this raid, made available to CBS News, showed more of the tense moments, including the use of flashbangs. Several witnesses claim they heard up to six gunshots. What followed was a somber scene of Robertson's body being relocated to the street, Yahoo News reported.

A criminal complaint from the U.S. District Court in Utah, which was accessed by CBS News, delved deeper into the specifics of the threats that triggered the FBI's involvement.

The accused was listed as Craig Deleeuw Robertson, and he was facing three federal charges, with one being threats against a president. And while an official confirmation is pending, the mounting evidence strongly suggests that the deceased is the individual named in the complaint.

Robertson's online posts, without a doubt, conveyed a clear wish to harm President Biden. One notable post from August 6 highlighted Biden's impending visit to Utah and made an eerie reference to a potential assassination attempt. The complaint also presented photos of Robertson equipped with a sniper rifle and donning a camouflage ghillie suit.

The scope of Robertson's threats

The intensity of the FBI's investigation into Robertson was justified by the length and breadth of his online threats.

Spanning five months, the investigation uncovered threats made against other major figures like Attorney General Merrick Garland, New York Attorney General Letitia James, and notably, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

His animosity towards Bragg seemed especially strong, as he expressed a wish to travel all the way to New York to execute his threats.

Lessons to Learn from This Tragedy

1. Online Threats are Real Threats: In today's digital age, threats made online should be treated with the same gravity as those made in person. Law enforcement agencies worldwide are emphasizing the importance of reporting online threats to protect individuals and the community at large.

2. Know the Digital Footprints You Leave: Everything posted online can have lasting repercussions. It's essential to be mindful of the content shared and its potential consequences, even if it's done impulsively.

3. Separate Online Persona from Reality: As illustrated in Robertson's case, one's online and offline personalities can greatly differ. Always approach online interactions with caution and refrain from making assumptions based solely on digital interactions.

4. Community Vigilance: Staying alert and reporting suspicious online activities can not only safeguard you but also your community. Remember, while it's crucial to take precautions, it's equally important not to blame the victim. Crime can happen to anyone, regardless of the precautions they take.

Why this story resonates with many

Incidents like these are a stark reminder of the intertwining worlds of online and offline realities. For many, this story is a wake-up call to the dangers of the internet, where threats can escalate into real-world tragedies.

The community's response to this tragedy, especially from those who knew Robertson, underlines the duality of online and offline personas. It emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between the two, given how they can vastly differ.

Moreover, the extensive media coverage of the incident has triggered discussions about the effectiveness of the FBI's approach. The debate rages on: Was the raid and subsequent fatal shooting truly the last resort, or could the situation have been resolved differently?

Regardless of the answers, one thing is certain: this incident will remain etched in the minds of many, serving as a grim reminder of the potential repercussions of online threats.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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