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 January 21, 2024

Suburban Mom Snaps, Attacks Family, Self in Blind Rage

A quiet New Jersey community reels in horror after a shocking murder-suicide tragedy.

Andrea Alarcon, a 42-year-old mother, fatally shot her husband and two young daughters before turning the gun on herself amidst eviction pressures.

Union, New Jersey, once a picture of suburban tranquility, became the setting of a harrowing family tragedy. Andrea Alarcon, along with her husband, Ruben, 51, and daughters, Scarlett, 9, and Emma, 6, were found deceased in their Lincrest Terrace home.

Discovery of a Tragic Scene

It was a Wednesday morning when sheriffs, tasked with serving an eviction notice, stumbled upon a scene that would haunt the community. At approximately 10:30 a.m., they entered the Alarcon residence only to find all four family members with fatal gunshot wounds.

The Alarcons had been living in the home for over a decade and a half. Financial difficulties led to the foreclosure of their home, which was sold in a sheriff's sale this past November. Following the sale, the family was given 60 days to vacate the premises.

Investigators found the murder weapon near Andrea Alarcon’s body. This discovery led them to conclude that she was responsible for the shootings.

A Community in Mourning

Union County Prosecutor William Daniel expressed his condolences in a statement. “In tragedies of this magnitude, there are no words that can heal, nor explanations that can serve to make sense of them to the public. Our thoughts go out to the family and friends of these victims and the Union community as a whole in the wake of this horrible event.”

“A deeply tragic event that has shaken our community to its core. Our hearts go out to the families and loved ones of the victims,” said Union Police Director Christopher Donnelly.

The loss of the Alarcon family has left the community grappling with questions and grief. The tragic events serve as a stark reminder of the pressures and challenges faced by many in today's society.

Financial Struggles and Desperation

The Alarcon family's financial woes culminated in the devastating loss of their home. The residence, valued at $322,000, was taken over by foreclosure, and the family was facing imminent eviction.

The pressure of losing a home can be immense, often leading to desperate measures. In this case, the culmination of financial stress appears to have contributed to a tragic decision.

This incident highlights the extreme impact financial difficulties can have on individuals and families, especially in cases where there seems to be no way out.

Remembering the Victims

Ruben, Scarlett, and Emma Alarcon leave behind a community in shock. Friends and neighbors describe the family as close-knit and loving, making the events even more incomprehensible.

Scarlett and Emma, both young and full of potential, had their lives tragically cut short. The community remembers them for their bright smiles and the joy they brought to those around them.

Ruben, known for his hard work and dedication to his family, leaves a void in the hearts of those who knew him. His unexpected demise along with his children has sent ripples of sorrow through the community.

Lessons to learn from this tragedy

1. Recognize the signs of financial distress and seek help early. It’s important to address financial challenges before they escalate.

2. Understand that mental health plays a crucial role in how people handle life’s stresses. Mental health resources and support can be vital in preventing tragedies.

3. Strengthen community support systems. Communities should look out for one another, especially during tough times.

4. Remember, despite taking precautions, crime can happen to anyone. We should never blame the victims but learn from these events to better protect and support each other.

Why this story matters

This story sheds light on the harsh realities of financial strain and mental health issues. It underscores the importance of community support and awareness. It’s a reminder of the fragility of life and the need for compassion in our society.

Such stories, though tragic, are important for understanding and addressing the underlying issues in our communities.

- Andrea Alarcon, 42, took the lives of her husband Ruben, 51, and their daughters Scarlett, 9, and Emma, 6, before ending her own life.
- The incident occurred in Union, New Jersey, in the family’s home during a foreclosure and impending eviction.
- All victims were found with fatal gunshot wounds, with the murder weapon near Andrea's body.
- Union County Prosecutor William Daniel and Police Director Christopher Donnelly expressed their deep sorrow over the incident.
- The Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 is available for those affected by this tragedy.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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