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Robert De Niro’s production company ordered to pay ex-assistant

Graham Chase Robinson, former assistant to renowned actor Robert De Niro, has been awarded $1.2 million in a gender discrimination and retaliation lawsuit against De Niro's production company, Canal Pictures.

Robinson's journey with Canal Pictures began in 2008 when she was appointed as De Niro's executive assistant. Her career trajectory saw a steady rise, culminating in a vice president role with an annual salary of $300,000.

However, her tenure at the company came to a controversial end in 2019 when she resigned, leading to a bitter legal confrontation.

The complex legal tussle

The lawsuit, filed by Robinson, sought $12 million in damages, accusing Canal Pictures and De Niro of gender discrimination and retaliation. The countersuit from De Niro, claiming $6 million over misused airline miles, further complicated the legal proceedings. The jury, however, sided with Robinson, dismissing De Niro's countersuit entirely.

The deliberations at Manhattan Federal Court lasted five hours, concluding with the jury's decision to award Robinson $632,142.96 for gender discrimination and an equal amount for retaliation. The total $1.2 million award reflected the severity of the allegations and the jury's agreement with Robinson's claims.

Robinson's allegations painted a grim picture of her work environment under De Niro. She accused the actor of treating male and female employees differently, engaging in abusive behavior, and making inappropriate demands, such as requesting back scratches. De Niro, on his part, denied all allegations of gender discrimination and losing his temper.

Reactions to the verdict

Following the verdict, reactions from both parties' legal teams were swift. David Sanford, Robinson's lawyer, expressed satisfaction, noting the jury's alignment with their perspective. Richard Schoenstein, De Niro's attorney, remained non-committal, hinting at a potential appeal and labeling the damages as a possible compromise., "We are delighted that the jury saw what we saw and returned a verdict in Chase Robinson's favor against Robert De Niro's company, Canal Productions."

De Niro's response to the verdict remained unclear, with Schoenstein indicating that the actor had not been informed of the decision yet. The possibility of reducing the damage amount was mentioned, suggesting that the legal battle might not be entirely over, Daily Mail reported.

Despite the high-profile nature of the case, De Niro was not found personally liable. The responsibility fell solely on his production company, Canal Pictures. This distinction is crucial, as it separates De Niro's personal conduct from that of his business operations.

Scrutiny of workplace culture

The case has thrown a spotlight on the inner workings of Hollywood production companies, particularly regarding gender dynamics and employee treatment. Robinson's tenure at Canal Pictures, spanning over a decade, witnessed her rise from a relatively modest salary to a significant executive position.

However, her allegations suggest a troubling undercurrent beneath this seemingly successful career trajectory.

Robinson's accusations of differential treatment between male and female employees highlight ongoing concerns about gender bias in the entertainment industry. The legal battle, while focused on individual parties, has broader implications for workplace culture in similar organizations.

Canal Pictures' potential appeal of the damages amount indicates that the case may continue to evolve. The legal system, while having delivered a verdict, might still have a role to play in this ongoing saga.

Lessons to learn from this tragedy

The case of Graham Chase Robinson versus Canal Pictures offers several critical lessons about workplace dynamics and legal rights:

  • It underscores the importance of understanding and standing up against gender discrimination in the workplace.
  • The case highlights the necessity of having robust policies and mechanisms to address workplace grievances and retaliation.
  • It serves as a reminder of the complexities of legal battles, especially when involving high-profile individuals and companies.
  • Lastly, the case exemplifies the need for transparent and fair treatment of employees, regardless of their position or tenure.

While these lessons are vital, it's crucial to remember that crime can happen to anyone, and we should never blame the victim.

Why this story matters

This story is significant for the community as it brings to light the issues of gender discrimination and retaliation in the workplace. It highlights the challenges individuals face when

standing up against powerful entities. The outcome of this case serves as a precedent and a warning for companies to uphold fair and equitable treatment of all employees.

Most importantly, it empowers others facing similar challenges to seek justice.


Graham Chase Robinson's legal victory against Canal Pictures is a landmark case in the fight against workplace discrimination and abuse.

Her courage in standing up against a powerful figure and organization sets an important example.

  • Robinson was awarded $1.2 million in damages for gender discrimination and retaliation.
  • De Niro's countersuit for $6 million was dismissed by the jury.
  • The case sheds light on gender dynamics and employee treatment in Hollywood.
  • It serves as a critical reminder of the importance of fair treatment in the workplace.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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