Saturday, July 27, 2024
 July 10, 2023

Popular soccer coach arrested for recorded attacks on multiple children

A shocking investigation is underway in Franklin, Tennessee, where a well-known soccer coach has been arrested for drugging and sexually assaulting multiple children, with the evidence discovered on his own lost cell phone.

Camilo Hurtado Campos, a 63-year-old soccer coach who has lived in Franklin for the past 20 years, is currently being held on charges of Rape of a Child and Sexual Exploitation of a Minor. The police expect to file additional charges as the investigation progresses. reported that the case began when a local restaurant staff found a cell phone left behind by a customer. In an attempt to identify the owner, they discovered dozens of disturbing videos and images of children on the device, prompting them to contact the police. The phone was later identified as belonging to Campos.

Disturbing Evidence Uncovered

Upon further investigation, detectives found hundreds of horrifying videos and pictures on the phone. In many of these, Campos had recorded himself sexually assaulting unconscious boys aged between approximately 9 and 17 years old.

Campos, who split his time living in the Hill Estates and downtown Franklin areas, was known to frequent nearby school playgrounds during off-hours. There, he would approach children and recruit them as players for his soccer team. After gaining their trust, he would invite them to his home, where he would drug and then assault them.

So far, evidence of the assaults of at least 10 children has been found on Campos's phone. Working with local schools, detectives have managed to identify two of his victims. The police are now seeking help from the public to identify the remaining victims.

Victims Unaware of Their Ordeal

One of the most chilling aspects of this case is that the children in these videos were in such an unconscious state that they might not even realize they are victims. The police are urging anyone who has been associated with Campos, especially those whose children he coached, to come forward.

Franklin Police are keen to hear from anyone who may have information that could assist in their investigation. They can be contacted at (615) 794-2513, or through email by clicking here.

The investigation is ongoing, and the full extent of Campos's crimes is yet to be uncovered. The community is left reeling from the revelations about a man they once trusted with their children.

Community Shocked by Betrayal

The news of Campos's arrest has sent shockwaves through the Franklin community, where he was a well-known figure. Parents who once trusted him with their children are now left grappling with the horrifying reality of his actions.

Campos's case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance in protecting our children. It highlights the need for thorough background checks and constant supervision, even when dealing with individuals who seem trustworthy.

As the investigation continues, the community waits anxiously for further developments. The hope is that justice will be served and that the victims will receive the support they need to heal from this traumatic experience.

Justice Awaits

As the community comes to terms with the shocking revelations, the focus now shifts to the legal proceedings. Campos will face the full force of the law for his heinous crimes. The hope is that the victims and their families will find some solace in seeing justice served.

Meanwhile, the police continue their tireless work to identify the remaining victims and ensure they receive the necessary support. The community is urged to cooperate fully with the investigation and provide any information they may have.

This case serves as a grim reminder of the hidden dangers that can lurk even in the most unsuspecting places. It underscores the importance of maintaining open lines of communication with children and fostering an environment where they feel safe to speak up.


  • Camilo Hurtado Campos, a popular soccer coach in Franklin, Tennessee, has been arrested for drugging and sexually assaulting multiple children.
  • The evidence, including hundreds of disturbing videos and pictures, was found on Campos's own lost cell phone.
  • Campos would gain the trust of children by recruiting them for his soccer team, then invite them to his home where he would drug and assault them.
  • At least 10 victims have been identified so far, and the police are seeking help from the public to identify the remaining victims.
  • The children in the videos were in such an unconscious state that they might not even realize they are victims.
  • The community is shocked by the revelations, and the focus now shifts to the legal proceedings against Campos.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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