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 August 5, 2023

Mother’s search history helps lead to arrest in murder of 2-week-old baby

In a conclusion to the five-year investigation of the tragic death of an infant known as "Baby June," the mother, Arya Singh, has pleaded guilty to charges of aggravated manslaughter and abuse of a dead human body, receiving a 14-year sentence.

Arya Singh, 30, initially faced a charge of second-degree murder but pleaded guilty to the reduced charges, securing a slightly lighter sentence, WPTV reports.

The verdict was handed down at a Florida state prison where she will serve her sentence. Taking into account the time she has already spent in jail, she will receive a credit of 231 days.

Upon release, Singh's punishment will continue with a probation period of 10 years, serving as a constant reminder of the heinous act committed against her child. However, the story doesn't end here. It's worth looking back at the string of events that led to the verdict.

The Discovery of Baby June and the Arrest of Arya Singh

The heartbreaking tale began on June 1, 2018, when an off-duty firefighter discovered the body of Baby June in the Boynton Beach Inlet. This incident triggered an extensive investigation to identify the child and the circumstances of her death.

According to People, Singh was taken into custody in December of the following year. She initially pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. However, incriminating evidence began to mount against her, leading to a change in her plea.

Through the efforts of the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Forensic Biology Unit and a pilot program they were utilizing, the father of the newborn was identified. This led investigators directly to Singh. Phone records further solidified the case against her, placing her at the location around 40 hours before the discovery of the infant's body.

The Evidence that Broke the Case

Further examination of Singh's phone records revealed disturbing search patterns. Her arrest affidavit states that from May 30, 2018 to June 30, 2018, there were 574 searches for "Boynton inlet." Also, there were 34 searches for "Palm Beach County news" between May 30, 2018, and May 31, 2018. These searches seemed to suggest Singh was trying to monitor the discovery of her child and the ensuing investigation.

Heartbreakingly, Baby June didn't die of natural causes. The child was born in a hotel room bathroom and died of asphyxia. According to the Palm Beach County State Attorney's Office, Singh didn't call 911, didn't seek medical assistance, or drop the baby at a safe haven like a fire station. Instead, she decided to dispose of the child in the Boynton Inlet.

In a chilling quote, a Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office detective mentioned that Singh allegedly confessed to the crime. Singh had led the father to believe that she had taken care of the pregnancy, making him think she had an abortion. However, the truth was far darker.

"I didn't know I was pregnant until I gave birth and didn't know if the baby was alive or dead when I decided to dispose of her."

Community Response and Aftermath

The news of Baby June's death and the subsequent trial of her mother was a shocking event for the local community. It raised questions about maternal health, societal support for new mothers, and mental health concerns. The tragedy highlighted the importance of public awareness about the available resources for struggling new mothers.

Employed as a dispatcher at Lynn University, Singh appeared worried about her future when questioned. The university has since severed all ties with her. Singh's case is a stark reminder that the personal turmoil one may be undergoing is not an excuse for such cruel actions.

As the public grapples with the grim realities of Baby June's story, it also serves as a call to action for better resources and support systems for new mothers in distress. The need for mental health resources, comprehensive sex education, and improved childcare support has never been more apparent.

Lessons to Learn from This Tragedy

1. Community Support: It is crucial to provide robust community support for new mothers, especially those dealing with unexpected pregnancies. This could potentially prevent such tragic incidents from happening in the future.

2. Educational Resources: Comprehensive sexual education and access to contraceptive measures can reduce instances of unexpected pregnancies. This education should be encouraged at all levels of society.

3. Mental Health Resources: Mental health resources need to be more accessible, particularly for expectant and new mothers. Mental health issues can contribute to situations of distress and desperation that might lead to dire actions.

4. Safe Havens: Awareness about safe havens like fire stations, where newborns can be safely and anonymously surrendered, needs to be heightened. Increased awareness could potentially save lives and provide alternatives for those who feel cornered.

Remember, crime can happen to anyone, and victim-blaming only hinders the process of justice. The best way to ensure safety is to educate ourselves, stay aware, and support those in need.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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