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 October 25, 2023

Manhunt ends for accused cop killer

In a shocking turn of events, the son of Nashville’s police chief was found dead after being implicated in a series of crimes, including shooting two police officers.

John C. Drake, Jr., aged 38, who is the estranged son of Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake, became the prime suspect in the shooting of two La Vergne police officers. The officers, identified as Ashely Boleyjack and Gregory Kern, were investigating a stolen vehicle outside a Dollar General store when they encountered Drake Jr.

The encounter quickly escalated when Drake Jr. allegedly pulled out a gun and shot both officers. Boleyjack was shot in the groin and right forearm, while Kern was struck in the rear left shoulder.

Both officers were promptly taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville and are currently in stable condition.

The chase: from carjacking to self-inflicted gunshot

Following the shooting, Drake Jr. reportedly carjacked a man and a woman at gunpoint. Metro Nashville Police spokesman Don Aaron mentioned that he later crashed the stolen car in the Edgehill area, south of downtown Nashville.

As authorities tightened the net around him, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation issued a statewide alert for Drake Jr., who faced two counts of attempted first-degree murder.

The search involved about a dozen law enforcement agencies. However, the tragic conclusion came when Drake Jr. was discovered with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound in the 1400 block of 15th Avenue South in Nashville.

Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell, while expressing condolences, labeled the series of events leading to the younger Drake’s death as "a tragic end". Meanwhile, La Vergne Police Chief Christopher Moews thanked the officers involved in the pursuit for their dedication and also conveyed his prayers for Chief Drake and his family.

Statements from family and officials

Chief John Drake released a heartfelt statement, admitting that his son had been estranged from him for several years. He disclosed, "My son has not been part of my life for quite some time. Despite my efforts and guidance in the early and teenage years, he resorted to years of criminal activity and is a convicted felon."

It's worth noting that Drake Jr.'s criminal history goes back to 2005. Court records indicate that he was convicted of rape in 2009, followed by three other sex offenses over the past decade, WCCB reported.

The entire incident has taken a toll on the city and its officials. As reported by Fox News in the aftermath of the shooting, La Vergne police had to issue a shelter-in-place order, which was lifted once the search for Drake Jr. intensified.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, at District Attorney Glenn Funk’s behest, will be leading the probe into Drake Jr.’s death.

A full autopsy has been planned as part of the investigation process.

Community reactions and support

The incident has garnered widespread attention due to the unique and heartbreaking circumstances surrounding it. Not only has it highlighted the challenges faced by law enforcement officers daily, but it also underscores the deeply personal struggles families may undergo when one of their own goes astray.

Support for Chief Drake has been pouring in from all quarters. Mayor Freddie O’Connell expressed his sympathy for the chief, his family, and the wounded LaVergne officers.

Many in the community have echoed the mayor's sentiments, hoping for a swift recovery for the injured officers and solace for the Drake family.

Lessons to learn from this tragedy

The tragic events involving John C. Drake Jr. serve as a stark reminder that crime can touch any family, regardless of their standing in the community. However, several takeaways can help the public stay alert and make safer decisions:

  • Always be cautious: When in public places, be aware of your surroundings. If you witness suspicious activity, keep a safe distance and alert the authorities.
  • Avoid direct confrontation: If confronted by a potential criminal, prioritize personal safety over property. If possible, avoid direct confrontation, especially if the individual is armed or aggressive.
  • Offer support to affected families: Families affected by crime, especially those in the public eye, face both the personal pain of the incident and the challenge of public scrutiny. Offering support, understanding, and privacy can help them heal.
  • Understand that crime knows no boundaries: No one is immune from crime or its consequences. Rather than placing blame, it's essential to remember that we all have roles to play in fostering safe communities.

Why this story resonates with many

This incident isn't just another crime story; it's a tragic tale of a family torn apart by decisions and actions. It serves as a poignant reminder that no one, regardless of their status or position, is immune from personal tragedies.

Furthermore, it underscores the bravery and dedication of our law enforcement officers, who put their lives on the line every day. Their commitment to ensuring public safety, even in the face of personal danger, is commendable.

The story also highlights the complexities of human relationships. Familial ties, even when strained or broken, carry a profound emotional weight. The pain felt by Chief Drake, having to deal with such a personal tragedy under public scrutiny, is unimaginable.

Lastly, it serves as a call to action for communities everywhere. It's a reminder that compassion, understanding, and community support can make a difference, especially in trying times.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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