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 July 13, 2023

Businessman's body found in freezer with chainsaw and hedge clippers

In a chilling discovery, the dismembered body of a German businessman, who had been missing for a week, was found in a freezer in southern Thailand.

The gruesome discovery was made in the town of Nong Prue, where the local police chief, Tawee Kudthalaeng, confirmed the identity of the victim as 62-year-old Hans-Peter Mack. The businessman had been reported missing a week prior to the discovery, sparking a frantic search that ended in a way no one had anticipated.

Security camera footage played a crucial role in locating Mack's body. However, the police have not divulged further details about the footage. The media, however, have published images and videos showing the freezer, where the body was found, in the bed of a black truck. This discovery has sent shockwaves through the community, raising questions about safety and security in the area.

Mack was last seen driving his Mercedes sedan in Pattaya, a coastal city in southern Thailand. His family had distributed a missing person announcement and offered a reward of 3 million baht ($86,000) for information leading to his return. The reward, a substantial amount, indicated the family's desperation and urgency in finding Mack.

Upon the discovery of Mack's body, crowds gathered outside the house where the gruesome discovery was made. Forensic teams in white coveralls, hair nets, and blue gloves were seen meticulously examining the scene. The sight of the forensic team at work was a grim reminder of the horrifying end that Mack met.

Thai PBS television broadcasted a video showing experts going through a garbage bag taken from a large white freezer. The contents of the bag were horrifying: a Makita cordless chainsaw and charging unit, a pair of yellow-handled hedge clippers, and two large rolls of plastic. The presence of these items in the freezer painted a terrifying picture of the events leading to Mack's death.

Victim's Life and Circumstances Surrounding His Disappearance

Mack, who lived in Pattaya with his Thai wife, worked as a real estate broker. He had been a resident of Thailand for several years. His Mercedes E350 was found in the parking lot of a condominium in Nong Prue, an upscale settlement popular with foreigners northeast of Pattaya in Chonburi province. The discovery of his car, devoid of his presence, added another layer of mystery to the case.

Police found traces of what appeared to be a cleaning solvent on the seats, dashboard, steering wheel, and other areas of the car. This led them to believe that someone had attempted to clean the car thoroughly, possibly to remove evidence. The meticulous cleaning suggested that the person or persons involved had a clear understanding of crime scene investigation procedures.

Further investigation revealed that a large amount of money was missing from Mack's bank account. Police suspect this could be linked to the slaying. However, they have not provided further details about this aspect of the investigation. The missing money raised questions about the motive behind the crime. Was it a robbery gone wrong, or was there a more sinister motive?

Investigation Continues: Several Suspects in the Picture

Police Chief Tawee stated that investigators were looking into several suspects, including both German nationals and Thai citizens. However, he refused to elaborate further. The fact that the suspects included both German nationals and Thai citizens added an international dimension to the case, complicating the investigation.

The German Embassy in Bangkok referred all queries to the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin. The ministry confirmed that it was aware of the case of the missing German citizen. Officials were in contact with Mack's relatives and Thai authorities, but they could not provide further details due to privacy reasons. The involvement of the German Foreign Ministry underscored the seriousness of the case and its potential international implications.

The telephone number listed on the missing person poster went unanswered on Tuesday. The case continues to unfold, with more questions than answers at this point. The unanswered phone number, the missing money, the cleaned car, and the dismembered body in the freezer - all these elements form a chilling puzzle that the police are trying to solve.


  • The dismembered body of German businessman Hans-Peter Mack was found in a freezer in southern Thailand.
  • Mack had been missing for a week before his body was discovered.
  • Security camera footage played a crucial role in locating Mack's body.
  • Mack was last seen driving his Mercedes sedan in Pattaya, a coastal city in southern Thailand.
  • Forensic teams found a chainsaw, hedge clippers, and two large rolls of plastic in a garbage bag taken from the freezer where Mack's body was found.
  • A large amount of money was missing from Mack's bank account, which police suspect could be linked to the slaying.
  • Investigators are looking into several suspects, including both German nationals and Thai citizens.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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