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Man Charged In Crash That Hurt ‘Black Panther’ Actress

A devastating vehicular assault rocked Manhattan on New Year's Day, leaving the city in shock.

Mohamed Alaouie's reckless journey through midtown resulted in injuries to nine pedestrians and a police officer, including Disney's Marvel stuntwoman Carrie Bernans.

As the city celebrated the arrival of a new year, Alaouie, 44, of New Jersey, embarked on a dangerous spree. With his girlfriend by his side in his BMW sedan, the evening took a turn for the worse after a bystander reported an assault.

This act precipitated a series of events that would lead to widespread harm and dismay among New Yorkers and visitors alike.

The victims of this rampage included individuals from all walks of life, among them Carrie Bernans, a stuntwoman known for her work in "Black Panther," who suffered extensive injuries. The injuries reported ranged from broken bones and concussions to more long-term physical impairments requiring therapy.

The aftermath of a New Year's nightmare

Alaouie's reckless actions did not go unnoticed. The Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, condemned the act, highlighting the disregard for human life displayed on one of the city's busiest nights. His statement underscored the gravity of the incident and the collective hope for the victims' recovery.

Following the chaos, Alaouie was apprehended after his vehicle could no longer sustain the damage from its collisions. The discovery of cocaine at the scene and on Alaouie's person at the hospital added a layer of criminality to the already heinous act, leading to charges that included assault, aggravated vehicular assault, reckless endangerment, and criminal possession of a controlled substance.

The timeline of the event paints a disturbing picture of the night's events. Starting in the early hours after the New Year's ball drop, the assault began near Seventh Avenue and West 33rd Street, eventually ending with Alaouie's arrest after his vehicle broke down following a series of collisions.

A statement from the heart of justice

The words of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg resonate with a community still reeling from the shock of the New Year's Day tragedy. They reflect a shared hope for healing and justice in the aftermath of such an unforeseeable event.

"This defendant allegedly careened through packed sidewalks and streets during the busiest time of the year in midtown. His recklessness endangered the lives of countless New Yorkers and visitors who were ringing in the New Year. I hope the victims can fully recover from their injuries and thank the police officers who were on the scene to apprehend this individual," Bragg noted.

The words of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg resonate with a community still reeling from the shock of the New Year's Day tragedy. They reflect a shared hope for healing and justice in the aftermath of such an unforeseeable event.

The incident not only highlights the dangers of reckless driving but also serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of public safety. The actions of one individual had a profound impact on many, disrupting lives and leaving a lasting mark on the victims and the city at large.

In the wake of the tragedy, the city has rallied around the victims, offering support and solidarity. The community's response underscores the resilience of New Yorkers in the face of adversity and their commitment to overcoming the challenges posed by such senseless acts of violence.

Why this story matters

This story is a grim reminder of the consequences of reckless behavior on public safety. It underscores the importance of vigilance and responsible conduct, especially in crowded urban settings where the potential for harm is amplified.

The community's response to this tragedy highlights the inherent strength and unity found within the fabric of New York City, demonstrating that even in the darkest of times, hope and resilience prevail.

The importance of swift and effective law enforcement response in protecting citizens and upholding justice cannot be overstated, as seen in the timely arrest and charging of the perpetrator.

Lessons to learn from this tragedy

While the events of New Year's Day were tragic, they also offer important lessons for ensuring personal and public safety. Here are some key takeaways:

  1. Always be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas. Situational awareness can provide critical moments to react in case of danger.
  2. If you see something, say something. The early report of Alaouie assaulting his girlfriend was crucial in alerting authorities to his dangerous behavior.
  3. Support for victims of such incidents is crucial. Community solidarity and support can play a significant role in the healing process for those affected.
  4. Finally, it's important to remember that while precautions can be taken, crime can happen to anyone. Victim blaming only harms those who have already suffered.

These points underscore the collective responsibility of individuals and communities to foster safety and support one another in times of crisis.


  • Mohamed Alaouie was indicted for a vehicular assault on New Year's Day, injuring nine pedestrians and a police officer.
  • The incident included reckless driving through midtown Manhattan, impacting pedestrians, vehicles, and a food cart.
  • Victims suffered a range of injuries, highlighting the physical and emotional toll of the event.
  • Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's statement emphasized the recklessness of the act and the hope for the victims' recovery.
  • The community's response illustrated New York's resilience and unity in the face of adversity.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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