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 July 18, 2023

12-year-old girl arrested in playground acid attack

In a shocking incident that has left a Detroit community reeling, a 12-year-old girl has been charged with a severe assault. The young girl is accused of throwing acid on an 11-year-old girl at a local playground, resulting in the victim suffering from significant chemical burns.

The unsettling event took place at a neighborhood park and has sent shockwaves through the community. The accused, a 12-year-old girl has been charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm and felonious assault. These charges were confirmed by Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney Kym Worthy.

The case has drawn widespread attention due to the disturbing nature of the crime and the tender age of the alleged perpetrator.

The fact that a child could be implicated in such a horrific act is almost unthinkable.

Unraveling the details of the acid attack

As reported by Fox News, the victim, Deaira Summers, was spending time at the park with her siblings and cousins when a dispute erupted between the attacker and one of Deaira's cousins.

In a shocking twist, the acid used in the attack was allegedly handed over to the attacker by her own mother.

In the wake of the incident, Deaira's mother, Dominique Summers, set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds.

On the fundraising page, she recounted the horrifying moment when she saw smoke rising from her daughter's body following the acid attack.

Immediately after the incident, Deaira was rushed to a nearby hospital. There, it was revealed that she had sustained second and third-degree burns on her back.

The aftermath of the attack has been deeply traumatic for Deaira, who has been struggling with sleep and has barely been able to eat since the incident.

Response from the community and school district

The incident has prompted an investigation by the Detroit Public Schools Community District.

However, they were quick to clarify that the incident did not involve any of their employees nor was it connected to a District or school event.

Instead, they described it as a community matter involving two families that do not both attend their school district.

The court has issued an order prohibiting the girl charged in the case from contacting Deaira or any witnesses. She is scheduled to make her first court appearance on Tuesday.

Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney Kym Worthy expressed her deep concern over the incident, stating:

"This is an extremely troubling set of allegations. Instant horrible decision-making can have lifelong effects on others. There is no excuse for this."

The lasting impact on the victim

Deaira's mother has shared the devastating impact of the attack on her daughter in an interview with Fox Detroit:

"Holes were coming in her clothes."

Deaira herself described the immediate aftermath of the attack, recounting the painful experience:

"Two seconds after it hit me, it started burning."

These quotes underscore the severity of the attack and the physical and emotional trauma Deaira has had to endure.

What it means

  • A 12-year-old girl has been charged with assault for allegedly throwing acid at an 11-year-old girl.
  • The acid used in the attack was allegedly provided by the attacker's mother.
  • The victim, Deaira Summers, sustained severe second and third-degree burns on her back as a result of the attack.
  • The Detroit Public Schools Community District is investigating the incident.
  • The girl charged in the case has been ordered not to contact Deaira or any witnesses.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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