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Kendra Wilkinson Hospitalized With Psychosis

Tragedy struck as Kendra Wilkinson, a former Playboy model, faced a harrowing journey through severe mental health challenges.

In a devastating turn of events, Kendra Wilkinson was hospitalized after suffering a severe panic attack and entering a state of psychosis.

Wilkinson, aged 38, opened up in her first interview since the incident, revealing the depth of her struggles. She described reaching a point of extreme distress, marking a significant low in her life.

A spiral into darkness

Her ordeal began last September when a severe panic attack led to her being rushed to the emergency room. This incident was not an isolated one, as she had to return to the hospital just a week after her initial release.

Following her hospitalization, Wilkinson embarked on a rigorous treatment plan. It involved prescribed medication, namely Abilify, and attending therapy sessions three times a week.

During therapy, she confronted unresolved traumas stemming from her past experiences. This included her time at Hugh Hefner's Playboy mansion and the emotional aftermath of her 2018 divorce from Hank Baskett, an ex-NFL player.

Unveiling the past scars

Wilkinson gained notoriety at the young age of 18, becoming one of Hefner's girlfriends and appearing on the "Girls Next Door" series. However, she expressed regret and sorrow when reflecting on this period of her life, acknowledging its negative impact on her.

Her professional life also suffered, as she struggled with her job in real estate before her hospitalization. This led to a chaotic lifestyle with irregular eating and sleeping patterns, exacerbating her mental health issues.

Adding to her challenges, Wilkinson grappled with feelings of isolation and shame following her divorce. The struggle of being a single mother weighed heavily on her, as she found it difficult to seek help and attempted to handle her issues alone.

Seeking light in the darkness

Wilkinson's candid sharing of her experiences sheds light on the severity of her condition. She recounted:

I was in a state of panic. I didn’t know what was going on in my head and my body or why I was crying. I had hit rock bottom. I was dying of depression. I was hitting the end of my life, and I went into psychosis. I felt like I wasn’t strong enough to live anymore.

These words illustrate the profound depth of her despair and the critical nature of her mental health crisis.

Reflecting on her past, Wilkinson admitted the difficulty of confronting her experiences. "It’s not easy to look back at my 20s. I’ve had to face my demons," she said, indicating a troubled reflection on her life in the Playboy mansion.

"Playboy messed my whole life up," Wilkinson openly expressed, revealing the long-lasting impact of her early fame and lifestyle.

The road to recovery

Wilkinson's story serves as a powerful reminder of the often invisible struggles people endure with mental health issues. She described hitting the lowest point in her life, feeling like she had no future, and being unable to see beyond her depression, illustrating the debilitating impact of her condition.

Before being hospitalized, her mind was clouded with self-doubt and despair. She constantly questioned her ability to succeed, what she was doing wrong in her life, and whether she should give up, reflecting the inner turmoil she experienced.

The difficulty of her divorce further exacerbated her mental health challenges. Wilkinson admitted that the experience was terrifying, and during that time, she neglected her own well-being and mental health, highlighting the complex challenges she faced in that period.

The importance of support and acceptance

Wilkinson's experience emphasizes the crucial need to seek assistance. She admitted that she tried to combat and cure her struggles by herself, recognizing the challenges and risks involved in dealing with such issues alone.

Her decision to accept help was a turning point. "To accept help that day and for Hank to drive me to the hospital was a huge day in both of our lives," Wilkinson recalled, marking a significant step towards her recovery.

This story is not just about Kendra Wilkinson's struggles but also about the broader issues of mental health, the impact of fame, and the importance of seeking and accepting help.

Lessons to learn from this tragedy

Wilkinson's experience offers several crucial lessons about mental health and well-being:

1. Seeking Help is Crucial: It is essential to recognize when professional help is needed and to seek it without hesitation.

2. Confronting Past Traumas: Addressing and resolving past traumas is vital for healing and moving forward.

3. Mental Health is a Priority: Prioritizing mental health is as important as physical health, and it should never be neglected.

4. Support Systems Matter: Having a supportive network of friends, family, or professionals can make a significant difference in recovery.

It's important to remember that, despite taking precautions, anyone can be affected by mental health issues, and we should never blame the victim for their struggles.

Why this story matters

This story is significant for the community because it highlights the often hidden struggles of mental health. It demonstrates the impact of fame and life changes on mental well-being. It also emphasizes the importance of seeking help and supports the broader conversation on mental health awareness. Most importantly, it reminds us that behind public figures are real human experiences, often fraught with challenges and vulnerabilities.

  • Kendra Wilkinson, a former Playboy model, faced severe mental health challenges leading to hospitalization.
  • Her struggles included depression, a severe panic attack, and a state of psychosis.
  • Wilkinson underwent treatment involving medication and therapy, addressing traumas from her past.
  • Her story highlights the importance of seeking help, addressing mental health issues, and the impact of fame on personal well-being.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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