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 March 14, 2024

Joe Biden Leaves American Missionaries Stranded In Haiti

Trapped amidst gunfire and chaos, American missionaries in Haiti find themselves in a dire situation, pleading for rescue as conditions deteriorate rapidly, Breitbart reported.

In the wake of Prime Minister Ariel Henry's resignation, violence has engulfed Haiti, leaving U.S. aid workers, including families, desperately seeking evacuation with little support from their government. The crisis escalated around March 11-12, 2024, throwing the country into further turmoil and highlighting the vulnerabilities of foreign aid workers in conflict zones.

Marine veteran Boyce Young landed in Haiti on February 16, intending to provide humanitarian assistance. Little did he know that the situation in Port-au-Prince would soon take a drastic turn for the worse.

Just days after his arrival, on February 22, the notorious gang leader Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier was seen with members of the G9 gang, signaling a growing unrest in the capital.

The Rising Tide of Violence in Port-au-Prince

As tensions mounted, the General Security Unit of the National Palace established a security perimeter following a gang attack in the city on March 9.

The situation further descended into chaos when an armed member of the G9 and Family gang patrolled a roadblock in Delmas 6, Port-au-Prince, just two days before the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry on March 12. This resignation triggered demonstrations and exacerbated the gang violence that had been simmering below the surface.

The missionaries, among them the Dolan family of the Love A Neighbor charity they founded, planned to leave Haiti for a wedding in Florida when violence abruptly escalated.

Jill Dolan and her family, along with other American missionaries, found themselves stranded and in immediate danger as gang warfare erupted in the streets of Port-au-Prince. Their plight, emblematic of the broader crisis, underscores the precarious position of foreigners caught in the crossfire of Haiti's internal conflicts.

A Call for Help Goes Unanswered

On March 15, American missionaries issued desperate pleas for rescue amidst worsening conditions. Gunfire became a constant backdrop to their daily lives, with the U.S. Embassy in Haiti offering minimal assistance.

Miriam Cinotti and a missionary named Lynn voiced their concerns about abandonment, echoing the sentiment of many Americans feeling left behind by their government.

Representatives from Florida, including Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL), have evacuated a group of Americans from the turmoil. Mills' efforts, however, alongside the critiques of other Congressional Republicans, have underscored the perceived inadequacy of the Biden administration's response to the crisis.  Criticism has centered on the administration's broader failures, particularly its apparent inaction in safeguarding American citizens abroad.

A Pattern of Abandonment Emerges

The State Department's advice to Americans trapped in Haiti was simply to sign up for a notification system, a response that many found lacking in substance and immediacy.

Kim Patterson detailed the struggle to rescue her father, underscoring many's frustrations in their interactions with the U.S. Embassy. Mitch Albom, rescued by the efforts of Rep. Mills, highlighted the urgency of the situation for vulnerable groups like children in orphanages, reminding the public of the human stakes at the heart of this crisis.

Comments from Rep. Mike Waltz and Rep. Lisa McClain further critiqued the administration's handling of the situation. Waltz pointed out a recurring pattern of abandonment under President Biden's leadership, and McClain emphasized the lack of tangible assistance from the State Department. These criticisms paint a picture of a federal response perceived as too detached and too slow to mitigate the risks faced by Americans in Haiti.

Lessons to Learn from This Tragedy

1. Always have an evacuation plan: In volatile regions, having a clear and executable evacuation strategy is crucial. This planning could mean the difference between safety and significant danger.

2. Stay informed about local conditions: Awareness of the political and social climate can help anticipate sudden changes, allowing for timely decisions to ensure safety.

3. Understand the limitations of assistance: Recognize that government responses may be constrained and, in some cases, delayed. It's essential to consider alternative means of support and rescue.

It's vital to acknowledge that, despite the best precautions, crime and violence can strike indiscriminately, and victims should never be blamed for the circumstances that befall them.

Why This Story Matters

This crisis underscores the complex challenges international aid workers face and the precariousness of their security in unstable regions. It highlights the need for more robust support systems for Americans abroad and the importance of a swift and coordinated response during emergencies. Fundamentally, it serves as a grim reminder of the human costs of political instability and violence, necessitating a more proactive approach to international humanitarian efforts.

In conclusion, the dire situation of American missionaries trapped in Haiti amidst escalating gang violence following Prime Minister Ariel Henry's resignation reflects the broader issue of inadequate support for U.S. citizens in crisis zones.

Their plight, compounded by critiques of the Biden administration's handling of the crisis and the palpable lack of assistance from the U.S. Embassy, illustrates the challenges and dangers those committed to aid work in volatile environments face. This story is a call to action for enhanced protection and planning for Americans working in such precarious conditions, underscoring the critical importance of international cooperation and support in times of need.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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