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 December 26, 2023

Hawaii Influencer Murdered In Front Of Her Daughter In Murder-Suicide

A serene morning at Pearlridge Center in Waimalu, Hawaii, transformed into a scene of horror as Theresa Cachuela, a well-known local influencer, was tragically shot in front of her youngest daughter.

Theresa, 33, was fatally shot by her estranged husband, Jason Cachuela, 44, in a chilling incident that has shocked the community.

Theresa, a successful business owner and mother of three, had been experiencing ongoing marital difficulties with Jason. Their troubled relationship reached a tipping point when Theresa sought legal protection against him, citing threats to her and her children's safety.

Tragic turn during Christmas shopping rush

The incident occurred during the busy Christmas shopping period. Theresa, accompanied by her youngest daughter, was at Pearlridge Center when Jason confronted and shot her. The daughter, a direct witness to the tragedy, identified her father as the shooter, adding a devastating layer to the incident.

Following the shooting, Jason fled the scene in a gray Mazda. His lifeless body was later found, with authorities suspecting suicide. This discovery marked a grim end to a series of events that began with marital discord and escalated into violence.

Two weeks before this fateful day, Theresa had taken a significant step for her safety by filing a restraining order against Jason. Her concerns were deep-rooted, with reports of Jason's threatening behavior and possession of firearms. Despite these measures, the tragic outcome illustrates a heartbreaking failure of protective mechanisms.

Family's outcry against the justice system

Lucita Ani-Nihoa, Theresa's mother, voiced her frustration and grief over the system's failure to protect her daughter. Ani-Nihoa lamented:

She’s been trying to tell the cops about all the issues... He threatened to kill her. The court wasn’t there for her. The system failed her. And now she's gone.

In a heart-wrenching statement, Ani-Nihoa conveyed the pain of the entire family, particularly Theresa's youngest daughter. She expressed disbelief and profound sorrow over the loss, highlighting the emotional toll on the family.

Ani-Nihoa recounted the terrifying experiences her daughter endured, including threats at gunpoint. The failure of the system to prevent this tragedy has left the family grappling with a profound sense of loss and injustice.

The struggle for safety and peace

Theresa and Jason's marriage spanned 11 years, marred by increasing conflict. Theresa's decision to file for divorce was a step towards reclaiming her peace. However, Jason's unwillingness to accept this change fueled a cycle of harassment and intimidation.

Outside her personal struggles, Theresa was known for her vibrant presence on social media and her entrepreneurial spirit as the owner of House of Glam Hawaii LLC. Her influence extended beyond business, touching many lives in her community.

The aftermath of the incident saw an outpouring of support from the community. A GoFundMe page was set up to cover funeral expenses and support Theresa's children. Her cousin, Terrell Scott, paid tribute to her dedication as a mother and her remarkable character.

Remembering Theresa: A mother and entrepreneur

Terrell Scott described Theresa as a pillar of strength for her family. "She was very supportive of her kids, and she did everything she could to protect them. She’s super loving and an amazing woman," Scott reflected.

The impact of Theresa's loss is felt deeply by those who knew her. Her dedication to her children and her business endeared her to many, making her death all the more tragic.

As the community grapples with this senseless act of violence, the focus shifts to the broader implications of such incidents. Questions arise about the effectiveness of restraining orders and the need for more robust protective measures for those facing domestic threats.

Lessons to learn from this tragedy

In the wake of this harrowing event, several key lessons emerge:

  1. Restraining orders, while crucial, may not always be sufficient in preventing violence. Additional safety measures and support systems are needed.
  2. Recognizing and reporting signs of domestic violence early can be crucial in preventing escalation.
  3. Community support plays a vital role in helping victims of domestic violence feel heard and protected.
  4. It is important to remember that despite taking precautions, victims are never at fault for the crimes committed against them.

These lessons remind us that, while we strive to prevent such tragedies, we must never blame the victim. Understanding and addressing the root causes of domestic violence is key to creating a safer society for all.

Why this story matters

The story of Theresa Cachuela is more than a tragic news item; it's a stark reminder of the pervasive issue of domestic violence. It highlights the gaps in our legal and social support systems that, when unaddressed, can lead to devastating consequences. The community's response, both in mourning and in action, underscores the need for collective vigilance and support for victims of domestic abuse. This tragedy compels us to reflect on our own roles in preventing such events and supporting those in need.


  • Theresa Cachuela, a Hawaiian influencer and mother, was fatally shot by her estranged husband, Jason.
  • The shooting occurred in front of Theresa's youngest daughter at Pearlridge Center in Waimalu.
  • Despite obtaining a restraining order, Theresa's efforts to protect herself and her children were tragically insufficient.
  • The incident has raised questions about the effectiveness of legal protections against domestic violence.
  • Theresa's death has left a profound impact on her family, friends, and community.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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