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 December 27, 2023

Dolly Parton Surprises Fan With Cancer

In an extraordinary act of kindness, celebrated country singer Dolly Parton has made a fan's dream a reality. Utah resident LeGrand Gold, battling stage four colorectal cancer, received a surprise phone call from Parton, a moment he had longed for.

This unexpected act by Parton was a significant event for Gold, who had placed this wish high on his bucket list during his fight against cancer.

Gold, a passionate fan of Dolly Parton, had created a bucket list named "LG's List of Living" to keep his spirits high amidst his health struggles. One of his top wishes was to meet or hear from his idol, Dolly Parton, whose music and personality he deeply admired.

A Surprise Call That Changed Everything

On a Friday before Christmas, an ordinary day took a turn towards the extraordinary for Gold and his family. Gold, a computer programmer and father of five, received a phone call that he could only have dreamt of. Dolly Parton was on the other end of the line, addressing him affectionately as "LG" and referring to herself as "Dolly P."

Dolly's surprise call was not just a simple conversation. It was a moment filled with emotion and warmth as she sang a song personalized with Gold's name. This gesture touched Gold profoundly, making him feel, in his own words, "immortal."

Gold's wife, Alice, shared the immense significance of this call for their family. Amidst the challenges of Gold's illness, this moment of joy brought by Parton was a beacon of light for them. Alice expressed that Parton's music and her character had been a source of strength during their tough times.

Gold's Courageous Battle with Cancer

LeGrand Gold's journey has been marked by both hardship and resilience. Diagnosed with stage four colorectal cancer in 2021, he has faced the disease with determination. Despite the cancer spreading to his lymph nodes and liver, Gold has chosen to focus on living life to the fullest.

His bucket list, an embodiment of his fighting spirit, includes various activities like attending a March Madness game and an RV road trip. For Gold, these experiences aren't just about fulfilling dreams but about creating lasting memories with his family.

Gold, originally from Tennessee and a frequent visitor to Parton’s Dollywood, has found solace in the singer's music throughout his life. The connection he feels with Parton, now reinforced by her personal gesture, has been a source of comfort and inspiration.

Community Support and a Family's Love

Alice Gold highlighted the overwhelming support they have received from the community and strangers. She described how people have reached out, eager to help make Gold's wishes come true. This support has been instrumental in helping the family navigate through this challenging period.

The Gold family is determined to complete as many items as possible from "LG's List of Living." One of the most heartwarming items on the list is a planned fake wedding, allowing Gold to experience father-daughter dances.

LeGrand Gold's story is not just about battling cancer but also about the power of human connection and the impact of kindness. His wife, Alice, beautifully captures this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of these moments in their journey.

Reflecting on a Life Well-Lived

LeGrand Gold, facing a prognosis of less than six months to live, reflects on his life and the joyous moments he has experienced. Despite the grim reality of his illness, he chooses to focus on the positives, a trait that has defined his approach to life.

Gold's outlook on life, even in the face of adversity, is a testament to his strength and character. He has not let his diagnosis define him but has instead used it as a motivation to live life more fully.

The Gold family, united in their love and support for LeGrand, continue to work towards completing his bucket list. Each item checked off is a celebration of life, love, and resilience.

Lessons to learn from this tragedy

1. The importance of human connection: LeGrand Gold's story reminds us that human connection and support can provide immense strength during challenging times.

2. The power of a positive outlook: Despite his prognosis, Gold's positive approach towards life and his desire to make the most of every moment is a lesson in resilience and hope.

3. The impact of kindness: Dolly Parton's simple yet powerful act of kindness demonstrates how a small gesture can make a significant difference in someone's life.

4. The value of community support: The support from the community and strangers for the Gold family highlights the importance of compassion and empathy in our society.

Remember, no matter what precautions we take, we cannot completely safeguard ourselves from every tragedy. It's crucial to support each other and cherish the moments we have.

Why this story matters

This story is important for the community as it showcases the power of human connection and empathy. Dolly Parton's gesture towards a fan in need underscores the impact celebrities can have in making a positive difference in people's lives. It also highlights the strength and courage of individuals like LeGrand Gold, who, despite facing life-threatening challenges, choose to live life with positivity and joy. This story serves as a reminder of the importance of support and kindness in our lives, both from loved ones and strangers.

  • LeGrand Gold, a fan of Dolly Parton, was diagnosed with stage four colorectal cancer and created a bucket list.
  • Dolly Parton surprised Gold with a phone call, singing a personalized song, fulfilling a dream on his bucket list.
  • The Gold family continues to fulfill items on the bucket list, with a planned fake wedding being one of them.
  • This story highlights the importance of human connection, support, and the power of positivity in the face of adversity.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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