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 July 13, 2023

Alleged child rapist pulled over with six children in his truck

A man facing child abuse charges was pulled over for erratic driving, revealing six minors in his vehicle, leading to further shocking revelations.

Jeremy Guthrie, a 41-year-old man, was pulled over by police on Interstate 40 due to his erratic driving. The officers were in for a shock when they discovered six minors in Guthrie's truck. The man insisted that the young girl sitting next to him was 18 years old, a claim that the officers immediately disputed.

The Daily Caller reports that the situation took a turn for the worse when Guthrie stepped out of the vehicle. The officers noticed that the fly of his pants was unbuttoned. Guthrie failed a field sobriety test, and the officers found empty bottles of tequila and Fireball whiskey in his truck. He was promptly taken into custody.

Shocking Accusations Post-Arrest

After Guthrie's arrest, he was accused of raping and impregnating a 12-year-old girl who was one of the passengers in the truck along with her twin sister. The girls' grandmother, in a phone interview with KRQE News 13, expressed her shock and disbelief, stating, "I got a call that they were all in the car. There was six of them that were with this guy, and so, I had no clue."

The legal guardians of the girls reportedly told police that a man had picked the girls up and brought them to his house where he gave them alcohol before his DUI arrest.

One of the girls reportedly told police she had met Guthrie over Snapchat and that he had been regularly raping her "over a lengthy span of time," resulting in a pregnancy which she miscarried.

Disturbing Messages and Allegations

Further investigations revealed sexual messages sent by Guthrie on the other girl's phone. The grandmother claimed she had been told Guthrie had not only raped her one granddaughter, but also another girl who tried to kill herself afterwards. She expressed her anger and disgust, saying:

"It makes me sick. I’m livid about what he did to my granddaughters."

Guthrie has been charged with criminal sexual penetration and contributing to the delinquency of a minor in addition to the charges he received upon his DUI arrest, which included six counts of child abuse, aggravated DWI, and having an open container. He remains in custody as investigations continue.

Community in Shock as Case Unfolds

The shocking case has left the community in disbelief, as the horrifying details of Guthrie's actions come to light. The case serves as a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the digital world, where predators like Guthrie can easily connect with unsuspecting minors.

The case is still under investigation, and it is hoped that justice will be served for the victims and their families.

The community is rallying around the victims, providing support and assistance as they navigate this traumatic experience.


  • Jeremy Guthrie, 41, was pulled over for erratic driving, leading to the discovery of six minors in his vehicle.
  • Guthrie was taken into custody after failing a field sobriety test and the discovery of empty alcohol bottles in his truck.
  • Post-arrest, Guthrie was accused of raping and impregnating a 12-year-old girl who was in the truck.
  • One of the girls reportedly told police she had met Guthrie over Snapchat and that he had been regularly raping her.
  • Guthrie has been charged with criminal sexual penetration and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, in addition to his DUI charges.

We encourage you to share this article on Twitter and Facebook to raise awareness about the dangers that can lurk in the digital world, and the importance of vigilance and open communication with minors about these risks.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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