Saturday, July 27, 2024
 July 17, 2023

Convicted child rapist found guilty on all 13 counts

In a shocking verdict, Patrick L. Thompson, a 42-year-old man, has been convicted on all 13 charges, which include serious offenses such as rape, sexual misconduct, battery, and providing alcohol to minors.

Thompson, who was previously a resident of New Palestine, was visibly shaken as the judge announced the verdict. The jury, made up of five men and seven women, deliberated for two and a half hours before unanimously finding Thompson guilty. The decision came after three days of intense testimony and evidence presentation.

Thompson was apprehended for his crimes against a minor girl that took place in January 2021. The charges against him included five Level 3 felony counts of rape, five Level 4 felony counts of sexual misconduct with a minor, two misdemeanor charges of furnishing alcohol to a minor, and a misdemeanor charge of battery resulting in bodily injury. Each Level 3 rape charge could result in up to 16 years in prison, making the potential cumulative sentence extremely severe.

Unraveling the Disturbing Crime

As reported by the Greenfield Reporter, Thompson, who was 39 at the time, committed these heinous acts against his son's 15-year-old friend. The two teenagers had visited Thompson's house on New Year's Day evening in 2021, a visit that would lead to a horrifying series of events.

According to the courtroom testimony and a probable cause affidavit, Thompson provided the teenagers with several alcoholic beverages. He then proceeded to sexually assault the girl, initially on a couch and later in a bedroom. Thompson is also accused of choking and slapping the girl.

The girl and Thompson's son managed to flee the house through a window in another bedroom.

The court proceedings and the unanimous verdict

The prosecution was led by Hancock County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Aimee Herring and Deputy Prosecutor Abigail Jessup. Thompson's defense was represented by Indianapolis attorney John Razumich. The case was heard in Superior Court 1, under the supervision of Senior Judge Daniel L. Pflum. The court proceedings were intense, with the prosecution and defense presenting their arguments with fervor.

The trial concluded late Wednesday, with closing arguments and jury instructions completed the following morning. The jury began deliberations at approximately 11 a.m. and reached their verdict by 1:30 p.m. that afternoon. The decision was unanimous, indicating the strength of the evidence against Thompson.

“The assault started on the couch. He then took her to his room, closed the door and locked it, told her to take off her clothes,” Herring said. “He knew what he was doing … He had already slapped her and grabbed her by the throat.”

Herring highlighted the emotional turmoil of Thompson's son, a key witness in the case, who had to witness his father assaulting his best friend. This testimony was particularly poignant and likely had a significant impact on the jury's decision.

“He saw his father assaulting his best friend,” Herring said.

Defense's stand and the aftermath

Razumich contended that Thompson believed the girl was 16, the legal age of consent, and therefore not guilty of sexual misconduct. While conceding that Thompson was guilty of providing alcohol to the minors, Razumich argued for his client's innocence on the rape, sexual misconduct, and battery charges. This defense, however, was not enough to sway the jury.

During the trial, the victim stated she did not recognize the man who assaulted her, despite Thompson being seated only 10 feet away from her. Thompson's son confirmed he had brought the victim to the house for the first time ever with his father present. Evidence also indicated Thompson was the only adult at the residence that night when the teens arrived. This evidence, combined with the testimonies, painted a damning picture of Thompson's actions.

After the verdict, Thompson was immediately taken into custody and transported to the Hancock County Jail. He will remain there until his sentencing at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 6. The sentencing will mark the final chapter in this disturbing case, providing some closure to the victim and her family.

What it means

  • Patrick L. Thompson has been convicted on all 13 charges, including rape, sexual misconduct, battery, and providing alcohol to minors.
  • The crimes were perpetrated against his son's 15-year-old friend on New Year's Day evening in 2021.
  • Thompson's defense argued that he believed the girl was of legal age of consent, but the jury found him guilty on all counts.
  • Thompson was immediately taken into custody following the verdict and awaits sentencing.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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