Saturday, July 27, 2024
 July 23, 2023

Alleged Dallas serial killer finally caught

A man suspected of being a serial killer has been arrested in Dallas, Texas, in connection with the murders of three women, all found stabbed in desolate fields.

Oscar Sanchez Garcia, a 25-year-old Dallas resident, was apprehended on July 19, 2023, and is now facing three counts of murder. His bond has been set at $4 million, as per online records.

The victims, all women, were discovered in various empty fields around the city over the past few months, each bearing fatal stab wounds. The police were able to link Sanchez Garcia to the murders through a combination of phone records, surveillance footage, and data from a license plate reader.

Linking the Suspect to the Crimes

The first victim, 60-year-old Kimberly Robinson, was discovered on April 22, 2023, in southern Dallas. She was found partially nude and stabbed. Two months later, the body of 25-year-old Cherish Gibson was found in the same area, also partially nude and bearing stab wounds. The third victim, 31-year-old Debrenese Janey Henry, was found less than five miles away from the other two victims.

Police were able to connect Sanchez Garcia to these crimes through a combination of phone records and surveillance footage. His vehicle and phone locations matched the areas where the victims were last known to be alive and where their bodies were later discovered.

The sinister crime details and the subsequent arrested were reported by

Community Reaction to the Arrest

“He’s a calm guy, chilling guy," she said. "He likes to play with the kids. That’s why we were like in shock."

The quote above is from Christina Martinez, a neighbor who has known Sanchez Garcia and his family for two years. The community was shocked by the arrest, as Sanchez Garcia was known to be a calm and friendly individual.

However, this was not the first time that police had been to Sanchez Garcia's home. In March, about a month before the first victim was found, he was arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife.

Victims' Families Respond to the Arrest

Janetria Oliver, the daughter of victim Kimberly Robinson, expressed her relief at the arrest. She said:

"My mother did not deserve that, and I’m so glad that he’s off the streets where he won’t be able to hurt anyone else," Oliver said. "I’ve also been praying for the other families involved. No one deserves for their life to be cut short like that, and we pray that full justice is served.”

Cherish Gibson's grandmother also expressed her relief, stating, "This is what we've been praying for."

The Dangers of Prostitution

Police revealed on July 18 that two of the victims were involved in prostitution. Bekah Charleston, a sex trafficking victim, spoke about the dangers of working in prostitution:

"When you dehumanize a person to the point that they become a commodity that means now you're just a product to someone that is to be paid for, used and discarded," Charleston said.

She added, "You don't know how many women I know what have been either murdered by their sex traffickers or by their buyers that purchase them."


  • Oscar Sanchez Garcia, 25, was arrested in connection with the murders of three women in Dallas, Texas.
  • The victims were all found stabbed in desolate fields.
  • Police linked Sanchez Garcia to the murders through phone records, surveillance footage, and data from a license plate reader.
  • The community was shocked by the arrest, as Sanchez Garcia was known to be a calm and friendly individual.
  • Victims' families expressed relief at the arrest, hoping for justice to be served.
  • Two of the victims were involved in prostitution, highlighting the dangers faced by individuals in this line of work.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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