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New Mexico Police Detain Youth After Dangerous Crime Rampage

In an alarming series of events, a child no older than 11 has been embroiled in a serious crime wave that has shaken the local community.

According to NBC News, the juvenile's frightful month-long crime spree includes allegations ranging from car thefts to shootings.

The city of Albuquerque witnessed the beginning of this disturbing sequence in the early days of May. On May 5, an automobile was reported stolen, but authorities recovered it within just an hour of its disappearance.

Days later, on May 12, reports surfaced of juvenile mischief, including rock-throwing incidents involving a group known as the "Kia Boys," which subsequently led to a peculiar and more serious incident of commercial burglary. This burglary resulted in significant losses, with damages and thefts amounting to over $15,000.

Escalation to More Violent Crimes

The latter half of the month saw a severe escalation, with multiple shootings attributed to the small group.

On May 29, a chilling episode took place involving a man being targeted by gunfire from occupants of a blue Kia. Investigators were able to recover a 9 mm casing at the scene, linking it to juvenile assailants.

A further attack on June 1 saw a man wounded in the hand by gunfire, strengthening the police's resolve to apprehend those responsible. The poverty of these events led to the discovery of the 11-year-old's involvement.

Through diligent investigation, relying heavily on witness statements and surveillance footage, Albuquerque police were led to the young suspect.

Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina has voiced strong concerns about the situation, emphasizing the gravity of the boy's alleged actions.

Chief Medina Addresses the Crisis

"Disappointing to see an 11-year-old arrested for crimes that ranged from burglary to shooting a firearm," stated Chief Medina. However, he acknowledged, "this armed individual’s behavior was escalating, and he was a danger to the community."

Medina also expressed relief that the arrest was achieved without force, a small solace in a deeply troubling situation. "Grateful that we took this young suspect into custody without our officers having to use force," he remarked.

The community has reacted with shock and concern as the full scope of the alleged crimes has come to light. The young suspect faces multiple charges, including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, burglary, and shooting into an occupied dwelling.

Lessons to Learn From This Tragedy

  1. Early Intervention: It is important to identify and support at-risk youth before they engage in criminal activities.
  2. Effective Law Enforcement: The importance of thorough investigation and the relief in resolving such cases without the use of force.
  3. Youth Rehabilitation: There is a need to focus on rehabilitation and provide constructive opportunities for young offenders.

Regardless of precautions, crime can strike anywhere. It's crucial to avoid blaming victims and instead support them.

Why This Story Matters

This story matters because it highlights the grave issue of juvenile crime and its impact on the community. The involvement of an 11-year-old in a serious crime wave underscores the need for early intervention and support for at-risk youth.

It also raises questions about societal factors contributing to such behaviors and emphasizes the importance of community vigilance and cooperation with law enforcement.


An 11-year-old in Albuquerque was involved in a month-long crime spree, including car thefts, rock-throwing, commercial burglary, and multiple shootings.

The incidents, starting in early May and escalating to more violent crimes by the end of the month, shocked the local community. The boy was eventually apprehended without force, facing several charges, including aggravated assault and burglary.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.



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