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Amanda Knox Tears Up After Slander Reconviction In The Kercher Murder Case

Amanda Knox wept in court as she was re-convicted of slandering a bar owner in a case tied to the 2007 murder of British student Meredith Kercher.

Daily Mail reported that Knox, 36, attended the retrial in Italy hoping to clear her name 'once and for all.'

Seattle-born Knox and her then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito were initially convicted of Kercher's murder in 2009 but were acquitted by Italy's highest court in 2015. Despite their dismissal, the 2011 slander conviction against Knox concerning Patrick Lumumba remained unresolved.

Amanda Knox Apologizes for False Accusation

Knox apologized in court, stating that she wrongfully accused Lumumba after being subjected to intense police pressure for hours.

She admitted to being "scared, tricked, and mistreated" during the interrogation. Knox expressed regret, saying, "I am very sorry that I was not strong enough to resist the pressure of police."

Despite her apology, the court's two judges and six jurors found Knox guilty of slander again. Although she won't serve additional jail time, Knox's lawyers indicated that she is "embittered, upset, and surprised" by the verdict and may appeal.

Legal Battle Continues for Amanda Knox

In her nine-minute prepared statement, Knox reiterated her innocence, emphasizing that she had no knowledge of who the murderer was. She recounted the police's threats and physical coercion during her questioning, claiming she was slapped and told to "remember, remember." She maintained that she never intended to slander Lumumba, who she considered a friend.

Lumumba's lawyers argued that his reputation suffered immensely due to Knox's accusation, regardless of her intentions. Carlo Pacelli, representing Lumumba, stressed that the conviction should be upheld to rectify the damage done to Lumumba's reputation.

Meredith Kercher's Murder and Its Aftermath

Meredith Kercher, a 21-year-old University of Leeds student, was brutally murdered in 2007, sparking an international media frenzy. Knox and Sollecito were convicted in their first trial but acquitted in 2011, only to be found guilty again in 2014 before their final exoneration in 2015.

Knox, now a mother of two and a podcast host, continues to campaign against wrongful convictions. Her lawyer, Carlo della Vedova, commented on the recent verdict, stating Knox is "very embittered" and plans to appeal. Knox had expressed her hope on social media to clear her name once and for all, seeking closure after 17 years of judicial proceedings.

Lumumba's Life Turned Upside Down

Lumumba, who now resides in Poland, reflected on the impact of Knox's accusation on his life. He recalled the moment he was falsely implicated, describing how it destroyed his reputation instantly. Despite being exonerated with evidence proving his innocence, the accusation had lasting effects on his life.

Rudy Guede, another key figure in the case, was convicted of Kercher's murder and sentenced to 16 years. He was released in 2021 after serving 13 years. Guede is currently under investigation for alleged physical and sexual abuse following accusations from an ex-girlfriend.

Knox's Legal Struggles Highlight Human Rights Concerns

Knox's recent court appearance was prompted by a 2019 European court ruling that Italy violated her human rights during her initial questioning. Knox's confession was called into question after being deprived of legal representation and a competent translator. Last November, Italy's highest court ordered a new trial following a judicial reform allowing reopened cases if human rights violations are identified.

Despite Knox's efforts to retract her accusation, Lumumba was detained for nearly two weeks until evidence cleared him. Lumumba's life was significantly impacted by the false accusation, and his lawyers continue to seek justice for the damage done.

Why This Story Matters

The Amanda Knox case underscores the intricate dynamics of the international legal system and human rights. It highlights high-stakes legal battles' psychological and societal impact and their broader implications on judicial practices and human rights, resonating deeply with global audiences and legal communities.

Furthermore, this saga serves as a critical case study on the impacts of media on legal proceedings, where public opinion can sometimes overshadow the pursuit of justice.

Ultimately, the Knox saga reminds us of the profound responsibilities held by those in the legal and media professions to uphold justice and truth, ensuring that every individual's rights are protected in the quest to ascertain truth.


Amanda Knox's legal battles continue as she faces the repercussions of a 2011 slander conviction. Despite her exoneration in the murder case of Meredith Kercher, the slander charge against Patrick Lumumba remains a contentious issue. Knox's apology and account of police coercion were not enough to sway the court, resulting in a reconviction. As Knox and her legal team prepare to appeal the verdict, the long-standing case highlights ongoing concerns about human rights violations and wrongful convictions in the judicial system.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.



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