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 August 16, 2024

Soldier Found Slain In Car After Iraq Tour At New York Army Base

FORT DRUM, New York — In a chilling betrayal of brotherhood, Specialist Jacob Ashton was slain by his roommate, both soldiers who recently served in Iraq together.

According to Daily Mail, Specialist Jacob Ashton, just 21, met a tragic end not on the battlefield but right at home in Fort Drum, found murdered inside his car.

Jacob Ashton had a promising future when he enlisted in the U.S. Army in 2021. His military journey began with Basic Combat Training at Fort Moore, Georgia, setting the stage for a career dedicated to service.

By 2023, he was deployed to Iraq with the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, weathering the challenges of a war zone without physical harm, only to return and face a personal tragedy.

Upon returning to Fort Drum in early 2024, he resumed living with Specialist Riley Birbilas, who had been his roommate before their deployment. The camaraderie of shared service was shattered when Ashton was discovered dead. The medical examiner concluded the young soldier was killed by blunt force trauma.

As an immediate suspect due to their close living arrangements and shared military service, Riley Birbilas was quickly charged with premeditated murder and obstruction of justice.

Specialist Ashton Envisioned as Beacon of Hope

Described by his family as a man with a deep drive to aid others, Jacob Ashton was remembered for his compassion. His sister, Alaina Ustupski, recounted his intrinsic desire to help, highlighting the stark contrast between his selfless nature and the brutal manner of his death. Ashton was seen as a protector, often engaging in community service and youth programs back home.

"He went to Iraq and didn’t have a scratch on him, and then comes home, thinks he is safe, and isn’t," Ustupski expressed her disbelief and sorrow over her brother's untimely demise.

Legal System Faces Scrutiny Amidst Grieving Family

With Specialist Birbilas now awaiting a court martial that could potentially end in life imprisonment or even the death penalty, the legal proceedings take on a critical role.

"The trial might take up to a year so we’re just trying to take it day by day," said Ustupski, underlining the slow grind of justice that the family must endure.

The barracks where both soldiers resided have since become the epicenter of an ongoing investigation that seeks to uncover the motive and full circumstances behind Ashton’s death. The unit, a tightly-knit group, reeled from the news, struggling to come to terms with the brutality inflicted by one of their own.

Remembering a Life of Service and Sacrifice

Jacob Ashton's military record was a testament to his bravery and character. He received the Army Commendation Medal, among other accolades, each a story of dedication and heroism.

According to Lisa Gigante, Ashton's former counselor, he was "one of the most polite students" who greatly impacted local children through his volunteer work.

Lessons to Learn From This Tragedy

  1. The military must remain vigilant in ensuring the safety and well-being of its members, both on and off the battlefield.
  2. Addressing mental health and interpersonal issues within the military community is crucial to maintaining trust and camaraderie among service members.
  3. The loss of even one soldier is a tragedy that reverberates throughout the military and beyond, underscoring the importance of supporting and honoring those who serve.

Why This Story Matters

The tragic death of Specialist Jacob Ashton is a stark reminder that the dangers faced by military personnel are not limited to the battlefield. Ashton's story highlights the need for increased vigilance and support for soldiers, even within the seemingly safe confines of their home base.

This heartbreaking incident also underscores the importance of addressing mental health and interpersonal issues within the military community, as the alleged involvement of Ashton's roommate suggests a breakdown in trust and camaraderie. The loss of a young soldier who had already served his country in Iraq is a sobering call to action for the military to ensure the safety and well-being of its members.


The sudden passing of Specialist Jacob Ashton profoundly impacted his family, friends, and colleagues at Fort Drum. Known for his commitment to service and his willingness to assist others, Ashton's absence is keenly felt by all who knew him. His death has prompted serious concerns regarding safety and trust within the military's ranks.

As investigations and legal actions progress, ensuring justice and implementing measures to avert future tragedies are of paramount importance. Honoring Specialist Jacob Ashton's memory by reinforcing our commitment to the safety and protection of military personnel is essential.


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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.



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