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 July 22, 2023

22-year-old found guilty of murder and dismemberment of girlfriend

A 22-year-old man, Cameron Wright, has been convicted for the horrifying murder and dismemberment of his girlfriend, Samantha Sharp. 

On the fateful night of January 9th, Wright, in a fit of uncontrollable rage, committed an unthinkable act. He brutally murdered his 24-year-old girlfriend, Samantha Sharp, who was also the mother of his child.

The responding Fresno County Sheriff's deputies were soon faced with a scene that was far more horrifying than a domestic disupte.

Upon their arrival at the scene they found evidence that led them to believe that Wright had not only killed Sharp but had also dismembered her.

The grim reality of the situation was confirmed when Sharp's remains were later discovered in an orchard approximately two miles away from the scene of the crime.

A heartbreaking confrontation in court

The court hearing was an emotionally charged event, with Sharp's cousin, Jennifer Lewing, confronting Wright with questions that echoed the pain and anguish of a family that had lost a loved one in such a horrific manner. ABC30 Fresno reported her poignant words in court.

"Did she beg you to stop did she cry in agony for her mom? Did she beg you for her life? what were her last words? How long did she suffer?"

Lewing's words were a stark reminder of the human cost of such a brutal crime. She continued to express her grief, revealing the gruesome details of how Sharp's dismembered body was found.

Unspeakable details unveiled in court

Lewing shared that Sharp's body was so brutally mutilated that her mother had to identify her by a forearm tattoo.

The family had to go through the unimaginable pain of burying her without one of her legs, a detail that brought Lewing to tears as she addressed the court.

"You left her dismembered body unrecognizable,"

During his sentencing, Wright apologized to the family and claimed that he was under the influence of methamphetamine at the time of the murder. However, his apology did little to lessen the severity of his actions or the pain inflicted on Sharp's family.

Justice served: 55 years to life

Judge Mark Cullers, when explaining the sentencing, dismissed Wright's claim of being high on methamphetamine as an excuse for his actions. He stated that not many people under the influence of the drug would go to the extent of deliberating and executing such a heinous crime.

"Not many people high on methamphetamine deliberate on killing the mother of their children, go ahead and kill the mother of their children,"

Wright was sentenced to 55 years to life in prison for the murder of Samantha Sharp. Hopefully, the verdict brought some measure of justice to the grieving family.

The tragic aftermath: A child left behind

Sharp and Wright shared a 7-month-old boy, who is now in the hands of Sharp's family.

In court, the family told Wright that one day, his son will know what he did to his mother.

The case of Cameron Wright serves as a grim reminder of the horrific consequences of domestic violence and substance abuse.

The hope is that the justice served will bring some solace to the grieving family.

Recap of the disturbing events

  • Cameron Wright, a 22-year-old man, was found guilty of the murder and dismemberment of his girlfriend, Samantha Sharp.
  • The crime occurred on January 9th in Fresno County, California, and was initially reported as a domestic violence incident.
  • Sharp's dismembered remains were found in an orchard two miles away from the crime scene.
  • Sharp's cousin confronted Wright in court with heart-wrenching questions about the crime.
  • Wright claimed he was high on methamphetamine at the time of the murder, an excuse dismissed by Judge Mark Cullers during sentencing.
  • Wright was sentenced to 55 years to life in prison for the murder of Samantha Sharp.
  • Sharp and Wright shared a 7-month-old boy, who is now in the care of Sharp's family. The family vowed that the child would one day know the truth about his father's actions.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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