Saturday, July 27, 2024
 September 23, 2023

18-year-old accused cop killer says he will “be out in 30 days”

Two teenagers in Las Vegas were embroiled in a shocking crime spree, with a former police chief as one of their victims.

Andreas Probst, affectionately known as 'Andy' to those close to him, was a distinguished man who served in law enforcement for over 35 years.

His daughter, Taylor Probst, painted a picture of him as a figure of honor and integrity. The grief-stricken daughter spoke up about her father’s tragic death, hoping that justice would be served.

Taylor Probst described her father in heartfelt words:

"Andy was a man of honor and integrity who worked for more than 35 years in law enforcement. I am devastated over his murder and urge the DA's office to take the crimes to the furthest extent of the law."

The heinous act caught on camera

On August 14, Andreas Probst, aged 64, was cycling in the northwest region of Las Vegas. Sadly, this ride turned out to be his last.

A disturbing video, filmed from the dashboard of a car, showcases a vehicle intentionally approaching Probst from behind. Even more chilling, the car's occupants can be heard laughing and making comments before violently striking Probst. The impact threw him against the windshield.

Nick Farese, Deputy Police Chief, shared his revulsion over the act:

"The intentional hit in a stolen vehicle and the video is a cowardly act that left me personally appalled in my 22 years of law enforcement."

The investigations led to the identification of two teens believed to be involved in this crime. Police reports linked them to three separate hit-and-run incidents on that fateful day.

The series of assaults only came to an end after the intentional killing of Probst, a former police chief from Bell, California, as  reported by Daily Mail

The young culprits

Jesus Ayala, 18, was the alleged driver of the stolen Hyundai Elantra that struck Probst. The police also discovered another incriminating video on Ayala's phone, which showed a Kia Soul driving into yet another cyclist, where Ayala appears to be the passenger.

This young man seemed defiant even during his arrest, making audacious comments about the hit-and-run before the police had even broached the subject.

Jesus Ayala's brazen statement after his arrest:

"You think this juvenile [expletive] is gonna do some [expletive]? I’ll be out in 30 days, I’ll bet you."

Joining him in this alleged crime spree was 16-year-old Jzamir Keys. Keys, believed to be the one recording the act, was in the car during the incident. Both teenagers are now set to face the repercussions of their actions as adults, Breitbart reported.

Ayala and Keys are not unfamiliar with the legal system. While Ayala had a long criminal history in the juvenile system, Keys had been placed in the child welfare system at the tender age of eight. Further details from Keys' past reveal that his mother was charged with five counts of child abuse in 2016.

What now for the teens?

With evidence mounting against them, both Ayala and Keys appeared in court.

While Ayala faces an astounding 18 charges, including murder, attempted murder, and grand larceny. Keys faces three, one of which is for recording the shocking video of Probst's assault.

The community is in shock, grappling to understand the senselessness of these crimes. Such acts shake the foundation of societal trust, leaving citizens to wonder about the moral compass of today's youth.

Many now anxiously await the verdict, hoping for justice to be served. Not just for Andreas Probst but for the other victims of that day's crime spree.

Lessons to learn from this tragedy

  • Always be vigilant: Maintaining an awareness of our surroundings can potentially ward off harm.
  • Advocate for community watch programs: A close-knit community can be a deterrent for would-be criminals.
  • Educate the youth: Focus on character building and the repercussions of crime can play a pivotal role in molding the future generation.
  • Understand that crime can strike anywhere: It's crucial to remember that while we can take all necessary precautions, crime can happen to anyone. Blaming the victim or ourselves is not the answer.

With Andreas Probst's tragic death serving as a grim reminder, communities must rally together to ensure such incidents are a rarity. As investigations continue, many hope justice will be swift, sending a clear message to those who dare tread down a path of crime.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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