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 August 22, 2023

13-year old killed on school bus after sticking her head out the window

A tragic bus accident in Nova Friburgo, Brazil took the life of a 13-year-old student named Fernanda Pacheco Ferraz.

In a heart-wrenching incident, 13-year-old Fernanda Pacheco Ferraz lost her life after leaning out of a bus window and colliding with a pole. The unfortunate event unfolded in Nova Friburgo, near Rio de Janeiro, and has left the community in shock and mourning.

Fernanda was a student at the Professor Carlos Côrtes State College. After school, she boarded a bus heading towards her home. As the bus meandered through the streets of Nova Friburgo, she decided to lean out of the bus window from her seat on the left side. Waving to her friends on the sidewalk, she tragically collided with a nearby pole.

USA Today reported on this heartrending incident, shedding light on the details and the aftermath.

Details of the tragic accident

According to witnesses who were present on the bus and around the scene, the driver, Nova Faol, was forced to make an evasive maneuver due to the narrowness of Rua Luiz Catarcione. An oncoming vehicle on the bus' right side compelled him to swerve, which led to the fatal impact.

The Rio de Janeiro State Department of Education mentioned in a statement:

"The Secretary of State for Education deeply regrets the accident that occurred with a student from the State College Professor Carlos Côrtes, in the Catarcione neighborhood, in Nova Friburgo, on Wednesday (Aug 16), during her journey back home."

The immediate response at the scene

Passengers, after witnessing the horrific incident, immediately informed the bus driver of the accident.

Nova Faol, the bus driver, brought the vehicle to a halt and alerted the authorities as well as the bus company. Tragically, Fernanda suffered a severe head injury and was pronounced dead before the firefighters and first responders could arrive.

FOX News reiterated the driver's mention about the narrowness of Rua Luiz Catarcione, further emphasizing the challenges faced by the driver.

Fernanda’s memorial and aftermath

The sudden demise of Fernanda left a void in the hearts of her loved ones.

She was laid to rest at the Trilha do Céu cemetery on Aug. 17.

Out of respect, the Rio de Janeiro State Department of Education declared a two-day mourning period, suspending classes at the school on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 17-18. School resumed the following Monday.

Why this story matters

Stories like Fernanda’s are a painful reminder of the unpredictable nature of life. While it’s easy to read such news and move on, it’s crucial to recognize the deeper implications.

The entire community feels the weight of the loss – from family and friends to educators and even strangers. It underlines the importance of safety regulations, road infrastructure, and public awareness about the potential dangers of everyday actions.

Such events also highlight the responsibility of vehicle manufacturers, infrastructure planners, and even educational institutions to continually assess and improve safety standards.

Lessons to learn from this tragedy

  • Awareness of surroundings: While it’s natural for children to be curious and playful, it’s essential to be aware of one's surroundings, especially on moving vehicles.
  • Improved road infrastructure: The narrowness of the Rua Luiz Catarcione contributed to the accident. It’s crucial for city planners to consider road expansions or alternative routes to prevent future incidents.
  • Enhanced safety in public transport: Bus companies should consider safety features that prevent passengers from leaning out of windows.
  • Education on safety: Schools and parents should emphasize the importance of safety, especially when commuting.

In closing, no precaution can entirely prevent accidents, and blame should never be directed at the victim. Life is unpredictable, but with collective effort, we can make our world a safer place.

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Written By: Rampart Stonebridge

I'm Rampart Stonebridge, a curious and passionate writer who can't get enough of true crime. As a criminal investigative journalist, I put on my detective hat, delving deep into each case to reveal the hidden truths. My mission? To share engaging stories and shed light on the complexities of our mysterious world, all while satisfying your curiosity about the intriguing realm of true crime.
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